

Constant Contact

I tend to eat even when I’m full.
(1: not very often, 10: all the time)
I tend to experience intense food cravings.
(1: not very often, 10: all the time)
I tend to crave comfort and unhealthy foods.
(1: not very often, 10: all the time)
I plan my day around when and where I will eat.
(1: never, 10: every day)
How addicted do you feel to food?
(1: not addicted at all, 10: very addicted)
How ready are you for change?
(1: not ready at all, 10: very ready)
How confident you are in making a lifestyle change?
(1: not confident at all, 10: very confident)
How important is it for you to make a healthy lifestyle change at this time?
(1: not important at all, 10: very important)

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